Tammy Swier Tammy Swier

Anthesis-Lilac Flower Essence

I’ve been adding a few drops of Anthesis- the lilac flower essence to my bath as well as occasionally taking it in a small glass of water and I love it! It’s been so supportive for me, in feeling more connected and grounded into my body. I find it complements my other self-care practices very well.


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Tammy Swier Tammy Swier

Noble Heart- Cacao + Mushroom Blend

The Cacao blend is my all time favourite drink, I didn’t expect to love it THIS MUCH. I blend it with honey, almond milk and water, the very faint hint of cinnamon is absolutely delicious- and it has now completely replaced my coffee in the mornings, my kids love it too!


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Tammy Swier Tammy Swier

Illuminated-Magnesium Oil Spray

My daughter and I started using the magnesium spray this year as we both suffer from shin splints, and it helps greatly. A little spray before and after a lot of physical activity, as well as at bedtime has cut our downtime in half.


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